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Fincraft Capital s.r.o., a leader in finding new suppliers and optimising the supply processes in drop shipping. Our company is always open to new achievements and we have successfully cooperated with POTĘGA HANDLOWY DOM Sp. Z O.O.

Google Trends Secrets. Competitor Analysis

We often forget that we always have a free tool at our fingertips to analyse search queries - Google Trends. What products are popular in your region of interest? What is searched for on your competitor's website? Where to find data on search queries and user interests? How can you identify current trends and compare the popularity of different products?

How to write a good sales text. 16 tips

The ‘impure’ methods of promotion are becoming a thing of the past. ‘flooding’ the site with keywords, mindlessly exploiting “your pains” - none of this works anymore. The modern consumer is smart and discerning. He instantly recognises the manipulative tricks of straightforward media content.

Online sales. How to increase the product margin

You have your own small trading website or online shop. In addition to this, you also sell goods on one of the marketplaces. And of course you want to earn more, but you are not yet ready to increase your assortment. Where to look for hidden reserves and how can you increase the margin of existing products?

Forgotten headline formulas

When we see a new post on social media or open a page on a news website, the first thing that catches our eye is the headline. It's concise, often intriguing, and arouses our curiosity.

A/B testing. Step-by-step guide

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Marie and Pierre Curie, John Lennon and Paul McCartney - each of these partnerships became a historical event, created something unique and extraordinary. In business and marketing, this principle is also relevant: the right combination of tools and strategies can lead to outstanding results.

New mix: 4P — 4Es — 4C. Evolution of the Marketing Mix

As technology evolves and consumer habits change, the legendary ‘4Ps’ marketing mix has evolved to adapt to new realities. Digitalisation, artificial intelligence and the explosion in popularity of social media are having a significant impact on marketing strategies.

YouTube for e-Сommerce

‘YouTube videos - yes, and then, if you are interested, you can read. This is the answer of 4 out of 5 people when it comes to where and how they like to find out more about products and novelties that interest them. Promotion through video content is becoming the norm. 9 out of 10 users make a purchase decision after watching a video.

Performance-marketing. Quick result - quick solutions

How to quickly test an idea? Is your project viable? How much money should you invest in advertising at the start? Will we succeed? These and hundreds of other questions are in the minds of those who want, or rather decide to start their own business.

NPS Index. How to Measure Loyalty

A regular ‘Would you recommend our company to your friends?’ style survey helps you understand how interested customers are in your company. One of the first, pre-assessment indicators of such a survey is the activity of those who respond. Clients-promoters are the main factor in the growth of any business.

Negative feedback as a point of growth

If you don't get scolded, you don't exist. Negative feedback (reviews, calls, returns) is not to be feared. Every complaint is a gift. It helps to improve a business process, change a product, identify an incompetent employee. Every bestseller on Amazon has a one-star rating. It's impossible to please everyone!

Lead Magnet — timeless marketing classic

How can you make sure that your website is visited by targeted customers who are ready to buy right now? A user will only take a targeted action (order a product, subscribe, fill a basket) if he is interested in a product or brand. How do you motivate them to buy and get their email address?

Dropshipping Business Model: Development Scenarios.

What influences the development of a dropshipping business? What parameters do you need to keep an eye on at all times, and what can you focus on less? The market is chaotic. Demand for a product that was popular yesterday can fall. The competitive environment changes too.

Conflict. We learn to restrain ourselves, remove emotions

The customer is angry. He asks for a replacement product or a refund. Supplier delays delivery and fails to meet deadlines. Dropshipping partner turns out to be incompetent. A business owner is unhappy with the transaction. The boss is furious at the mere sight of a negligent employee.

Leading indicators. Sales: don't wait, act

Leading indicators are often used to identify potential business problems. Many problems can be avoided by being proactive in sales management, taking proactive measures and anticipating demand, sales slumps and seasonal fluctuations.

How to quickly test a business idea

The main problem with any commercial idea is that you can never be absolutely sure of its success. Crash testing helps you to really assess the prospects and viability of your idea, and to identify problems before money is invested in the business.

How to get out of a crisis. «Three Step Rule»

Sometimes crises are unavoidable. They can occur both within a company and as a result of external factors. Regardless of the level and size of your business, sooner or later you will have to deal with a crisis. We will try to help you in this difficult endeavour and remind you of the 'Three Step Rule'.

Dropshipping trends: risks and mistakes

In business, as in life, we are constantly having to correct obvious mistakes. And it's all because of the "turkey syndrome": when assessing risk, many people believe that past trends determine the likelihood of future trends. By basing predictions on the past, we are more likely to be wrong, with serious consequences. Trends can change, increasing risk.

Competitive Analysis: Customer, Problem, Solution

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Let's talk about competitors and, more specifically, competitive analysis. When and with whom should your company be compared? How do you gather information? Why look for similarities and identify differences?

Retail 2024. Best Online Selling Sites

In 2024, online retail will continue to evolve. A personalised approach and a special attitude to each customer - this is what keeps most of the customers of small niche online shops. What e-commerce platforms and online sales sites should retailers be looking out for in 2024? We've compiled a list of the best and least known online resources. Let's get to the bottom of it.

Dropshipping and product promotion on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok

"What type of online advertising annoys you the most? This simple question unleashed a storm of emotions among Fincraft Capital's clients and partners

Dropshipping store on the Shopify platform

When thinking about your business and deciding to create an online store on the Shopify platform, the first step is to decide what exactly you want to sell, who your target audience is, and what goals you want to achieve. When setting prices in your online store, there are dozens of factors to consider that will determine the success of your business.

Ecommerce Metrics to Track Right Now

How can a website owner understand and track visitor behaviour? How can problems with an online shop be identified in advance? Why change the design of the site or specific pages? Why does a customer fill the shopping basket but not place an order? The answers will lead to successful solutions and online business profits.

TOFU, MOFU and BOFU. A simple funnel for successful online sales

Product or audience? Which comes first? Does the customer need what you sell? What do they want? The basis of all your offers, creative, lead magnets and content is always the interests and needs of the target audience. The person and their problems. Only in this way, not otherwise.

Low budget marketing

Money doesn't make a difference. Don't you believe it? If it were, any project or product with enough money would succeed in the market. You have an idea, but no money. It's a familiar story. Both those who have been in business for a long time and those who are trying something new can find themselves in this situation. Take e-commerce, for example.

Omnicability. What is multi-channel e-commerce?

About ten years ago, it was enough for a company to have an online presence with a single commerce channel, an online shop or a website. As e-commerce has become mobile and social, this is no longer enough in today's competitive environment.

Opening an online shop: ideas and important aspects

Smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers - they are all tools that can be used not only to study or work, but also to shop online. There is no need to leave the house, no need to spend a long time in a shopping centre or a specialised shop looking for the goods you need, no need to wait in line. It is enough to choose a suitable online shop, find the goods you need and place an order with a few clicks.

Jiu-Jitsu of Sales. How to Deal with Objections

Jiu-Jitsu is an elite Japanese martial art whose basic principle is not to resist, but to yield to the opponent's attack by simply directing his actions. Most of the objections a salesperson faces are not directed at a specific offer or product. His headache is the potential customer's internal limitations: the fear of making mistakes and the fear of failure.

How to increase the average check

The problem of dropshipping is most often referred to as its low margin. Arguments about how much you can earn from a unit of product very often lead to the question: "Why make a couple of dollars from each sale when you can get 3-4 times as much just by increasing the average receipt? The average check is one of the most important metrics of an e-commerce business.

Good Price Strategies - Fincraft Capital blog

The success of any business depends on sustainable growth. And it, in turn, depends on the effectiveness of the sales funnel. Often, when testing a business idea or opening a new business, the revenue forecast is approximate and based on guesswork rather than real numbers.

Dropshipping and the psychology of sales

Forecasts show that by 2025, a quarter of the world's total retail sales will be in the online segment. With this in mind, you've opened a great online shop, worked on the design, chosen a niche, uploaded your products and are ready to dive headlong into the dropshipping based e-commerce business.

8 Best Online Marketing Analytics Tools for Competitor Analysis

Looking for a black cat in a dark room is not knowing what your competitors are doing. Making decisions about how to promote your business, what marketing tricks to use, is impossible without first analyzing and clearly understanding what is happening in your niche and in the market system of your interests.

The site that attracts your customers

We all want our site to be popular and our blog posts to be read, shared, discussed, and bookmarked.
It is already clear that we should not write for Google's "robots," but for people. Now it's safe to say that quality content is in high demand. What else do you need to remember to get maximum traffic and conversions?

Dropshipping and suppliers. How to choose the bests?

In 2022, it is no longer possible to imagine a business that does not have its own website or, at least, pages on social networks. This is no longer just an addition, but a mandatory necessity and potential for the growth of any idea.
Dropshipping is the most popular area of online trading, which is chosen primarily because of the logistical advantages of this business model.

How to Boost Open Rate advertising mailings?

Most of us don't even think about how many emails in the world are emailed every day. The scale is very impressive - more than 281 billion, in 2022 this figure should grow to 347 billion! Electronic marketing and mailings are still powerful tools with which the dropper can deliver the necessary information to the client...

E-Commerce Tools

Unfortunately, there is no single platform or solution with which to create, promote and analyze an online store...

Dropshipping. How to check the purity of the deal?

What in today's world will make it possible to make a profit quickly and with small investments? The answer is simple - the Internet and the matter related to e-commerce. To do this, just choose a business model for promoting the product and immerse yourself in online sales...

World Trade 2022: Trends and Numbers

Analysis and continuous tracking of the development directions of world trade, commodity exports and imports can help in the conduct of any business, both large and small...

Fincraft Capital invites you to visit the international exhibition "World Congress on New Technologies 2022"

The Fincraft Capital booth will provide information on new products and new services; for companies engaged in dropshipping, wholesale online trading and direct sales on the Internet. We will be glad to meet you and offer partnership and development of trade relations...

Differentiate and live with Fincraft Capital

Is the colonization of Mars possible? How can we gain immortality? What future is mankind waiting for? We will not be able to answer these and similar questions to you. They are not in our competence...

Dropshipping as a tool to increase profits

Dropshipping is a sales method in which an intermediary sells goods to a customer from a manufacturer. The product sends the manufacturer to the customer's address, and the intermediary receives a commission for the transaction. The dropshipper, or intermediary, sells the supplier's goods, but does not store them in his warehouse...

Features of sales of pre-selection goods online

Very often, our company observes a typical business view of work through the online format. When placing goods in the online store, they use a text description, technical parameters, photos of the goods in 3 angles...

Market trends during the «Covid-19» pandemic

Since April 2020, the number of online stores has been rapidly increasing. By the end of 2021, the number of new open online stores became almost 2 times more (by 99.02%)...
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