Conflict. We learn to restrain ourselves, remove emotions

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The customer is angry. He asks for a replacement product or a refund. Supplier delays delivery and fails to meet deadlines. Dropshipping partner turns out to be incompetent. A business owner is unhappy with the transaction. The boss is furious at the mere sight of a negligent employee.

Thousands of reasons every minute and every second can cause conflict. It can result in a scandal, damage your reputation, cost you your good name. How do we deal with conflict situations? Our behaviour, or rather, reactions, are usually repeated. At work, at home with relatives, in relations with business partners, we react to irritants in the same way. But we show our discontent in different ways, depending on the situation. How can we regulate our emotions and turn a conflict into a productive direction?

It is very difficult to remain calm and professional in any situation. You can't hold yourself back, literally "packing up" your inner turmoil. Your body, your organism will react very quickly. Diseases, small and big, and sometimes it ends tragically. We want to share with you some effective tools. This way you won't lose a client, you'll make another good deal and you'll save your health.

Analyse your reaction
The correct first reaction to any conflict situation is to take a short pause. In a conflict, harsh words and decisions are unacceptable neither for the person nor for the business. Learning to control your state within a conflict is helped by simple techniques.

Most likely, you already know what becomes a trigger for you in a conflict situation. Analyse your reactions, negative emotions and reasons for irritation. Reflect in advance on the worst case scenarios. Can you change your reactions so that they are more constructive and help resolve the conflict? Analyse mistakes and write down your emotions - just a few key words. This approach reduces emotional tension. Evaluate your actions in the conflict and in its resolution.

Change the focus of attention
To control your state of mind in a conflict while being close to a client (partner, boss, irritant), the technique of "don't respond, but consider" helps. In situations of high emotional intensity, you need to shift your focus of attention. Start studying your interlocutor, carefully watching his/her movements, facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures. It is important to do this consciously, without visual aggression. This technique helps to relieve muscle tension and enables empathy in a conflict.
Learn to pause
1...2...3...4...5... Learn to pause. Call from an angry customer. A business owner has made a decision you don't agree with. The conversation comes to an impasse, the parties turn to raised tones. In this situation, even the best arguments and rational proposals will not be heard. Take your time and pause, counting to five. This will help by leaving the constructive, remove the emotion from your response.

Are you feeling your body in the conversation?
If you feel yourself starting to lose control due to emotion, pause to gather your thoughts. "Look out the window, distract yourself, be above the fray." The tips may be actionable, but doing this during an emotional conversation is extremely difficult.

If you "switch" to your body's reactions during the conversation, you can lower the degree of conflict by assessing your state. Conduct a quick scan of your state: unclench your fists, straighten your back, change the position of your head, relax tense muscles in turn. This will help reduce stress and aggression.

Remember that a conflict with a customer is not about you personally, but is part of your professional activity. Approach it as a solution to a problem, not as a personal grudge.

Make the conflict dynamic
Use the technique of "psychological cushioning" - do not rush to respond immediately. Instead, reduce the emotional intensity by making the conflict dynamic. Simply put, move and shift. Offer to move to another place, sit down, have a coffee. Simple and trivial things can help lower the conflict. If you notice that communication is becoming increasingly tense and the conflict threatens to escalate, take a break, try to change the subject. Experiment with tone of voice. Trace your voice modulations from loud to whispery. By "burning off" negative emotions in this way, you balance your limbic system.
Finding a compromise
If you feel yourself starting to lose control due to irritation, use breathing and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and tension levels. When seeking a compromise, it is important to be willing to make concessions. Offer an alternative option, a discount on an item, or compensation.

Keep in mind that it is more difficult to work with destructive conflicts: the opponent is full of emotions, rude, does not remember the essence of the claims, and perhaps he is just in a bad mood. In this case it is important to listen carefully and ask leading questions.

Fincraft Capital s.r.o. develops individual and complex solutions for managing partner conflicts. The company acts as an agent, helps to realise the goods, connects dropshippers and producers. In case of a constructive conflict situation (problems with the quality of goods, failure to meet delivery deadlines, partner claims), Fincraft Capital helps to eliminate the cause of dissatisfaction and finds a compromise solution favourable to all parties to the conflict.