As technology evolves and consumer habits change, the legendary ‘4Ps’ marketing mix has evolved to adapt to new realities. Digitalisation, artificial intelligence and the explosion in popularity of social media are having a significant impact on marketing strategies.
The concept that summarises the four core principles of any marketing strategy is over 60 years old. Since then, many products have shifted from shop shelves to website pages, and digital billboards and banners have migrated online and become common promotional tools. Businesses have adapted to the digital present and are struggling to keep up with rapidly changing trends.
This process is sometimes painful.
The four R's: necessary but not sufficient?Everything you do as part of an advertising campaign, any contact with the target audience, is part of the marketing mix, said marketers at Fincraft Capital Czech Republic. It is a set of specific actions. The classic marketing mix consists of four P's - Product (what you sell), Price (at what price you sell it), Place (where you sell and promote it) and Promotion (how you promote it).
Product. This is what brands sell in terms of quality, packaging, design, branding and innovation.
Price. The right price is the balance between sales volume and profit. How do you calculate selling prices? Do you include discounts, payment plans and credit terms in your calculations.
Place. It matters not only how, but where you promote your product or service. Where do your customers find information about your industry? If you are not in the places (online and offline) where your potential customer goes, they will never hear about you, see your adverts, visit your shop or website.
Promotion. This is how customers find out about you. Which channels for advertising are most effective for you? How do you get the word out? What strategies do you use and are they effective? When you focus your efforts on promoting to your audience, you can increase your profits and improve your return on investment (ROI).
The marketing mix has stood the test of time, but technology is changing the world, and with it, the concept of the ‘4Ps’ is changing. We've been ‘living’ online for a long time. We wake up with the internet, with gadgets in our hands and fall asleep. Business is also moving smoothly or abruptly into the network. It is no longer possible to imagine even a small salon, shop or workshop without its own ‘corner’ on the Internet.