How can a website owner understand and track visitor behaviour? How can problems with an online shop be identified in advance? Why change the design of the site or specific pages? Why does a customer fill the shopping basket but not place an order? The answers will lead to successful solutions and online business profits.
«usiness e-commerce is real-time movement and constant monitoring. And analysing: the market, competitors, customers and your own state. Analytics systems collect information about the performance of a website or online shop, but this is not enough for a qualitative analysis of sales. To identify problems and understand whether everything is in order in your business, you need to track eCommerce indicators. Let's talk about what eCommerce metrics numbers mean in the sales cycle.
1. Average Order Value (AOV)
Average order value = total sales/number of orders
The average order value is the average amount that customers spend on a website or online shop when paying for an order. This is a very important metric in ecommerce. If you know it, you can adjust your actions in real time, raise or lower prices, think about urgent promotions, calculate special offers. By analysing such three metrics as: site traffic, its conversion and the size of the average check, you can make predictions about the profit of an online shop. Read
how to increase the average cheque on the Fincraft Capital website.
2. Conversion Rate
Conversion rate = (number of conversions/total number of visitors) x 100
Conversion rate shows what percentage of website visitors made it to the point of purchase. Test the metric by changing: prices, offers, product, promotions, interface and more. This is the only way to find out exactly what your audience likes and responds to best.
3. Bounce Rate
Bounce rate = (total number of visitors who left without interacting / total number of visitors) x 100
The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who left the site after viewing only one page. It is an important indicator of performance and search engine ranking. A high bounce rate may indicate that
users are not finding what they are looking for on the site.
A bounce rate of 25% or less for well optimised and interesting sites, 30-50% is a normal bounce rate, but the site needs further work.